Class: SolarSystem


An api adapter for dealing with a single solar system, currently only supporting fetching simple information and calculating routes between systems.

new SolarSystem(agent, solarSystemId)

Create a new SolarSystem for the given agent provider and specific solarSystemId.

Name Type Description
agent ESIAgent

The agent used to generate web requests

solarSystemId Number

The system id that is used for all requests



Get information on a solar system. This route expires daily at 11:05.

This makes an HTTP GET request to /universe/systems/{system_id}/. The route version is v2.

On success, this resolves to information about a solar system. An example result is:

  "constellation_id": 20000001,
  "name": "Akpivem",
  "planets": [
      "moons": [
      "planet_id": 40000041
  "position": {
    "x": -91174141133075340,
    "y": 43938227486247170,
    "z": -56482824383339900
  "security_class": "B",
  "security_status": 0.8462923765182495,
  "stargates": [
  "system_id": 30000003

A Promise that resolves to the parsed JSON of the response.


insecureRoute(to, avoid, connections)

Get the systems between origin and destination. This route is cached for up to 86400 seconds.

This makes an HTTP GET request to /route/{origin}/{destination}/. The route version is v1.

This function invokes the route with flag set to "insecure". The array length of avoid can be at most 100. The array length of connections can be at most 100.

On success, this resolves to solar systems in route from origin to destination.

Name Type Description
to Number

Destination solar system ID.

avoid Array.<Number>

Avoid solar system ID(s). Defaults to []

connections Array.<Array.<Number>>

Connected solar system pairs. Defaults to []


A Promise that resolves to the parsed JSON of the response.


secureRoute(to, avoid, connections)

Get the systems between origin and destination. This route is cached for up to 86400 seconds.

This makes an HTTP GET request to /route/{origin}/{destination}/. The route version is v1.

This function invokes the route with flag set to "secure". The array length of avoid can be at most 100. The array length of connections can be at most 100.

On success, this resolves to solar systems in route from origin to destination.

Name Type Description
to Number

Destination solar system ID.

avoid Array.<Number>

Avoid solar system ID(s). Defaults to []

connections Array.<Array.<Number>>

Connected solar system pairs. Defaults to []


A Promise that resolves to the parsed JSON of the response.


shortestRoute(to, avoid, connections)

Get the systems between origin and destination. This route is cached for up to 86400 seconds.

This makes an HTTP GET request to /route/{origin}/{destination}/. The route version is v1.

This function invokes the route with flag set to "shortest". The array length of avoid can be at most 100. The array length of connections can be at most 100.

On success, this resolves to solar systems in route from origin to destination.

Name Type Description
to Number

Destination solar system ID.

avoid Array.<Number>

Avoid solar system ID(s). Defaults to []

connections Array.<Array.<Number>>

Connected solar system pairs. Defaults to []


A Promise that resolves to the parsed JSON of the response.
